At our school at Asia Pacific College, we had our SoCSIT week July 24-29, that we students will have our fun week with many kinds of events. But for me, it was more like a shame week.
Starting from Tuesday, We all wore 90's clothes that whole day.we had our paraded that we walked around the parking lot in front of our school. And those that were in the front were holding our blocks banner, "SS151".

On Wednesday was the best day of shame. After class at 3:30, all of us SoCSIT students were required to join the, "30 seconds of Fame or Shame". Fist was our block SS151. The rule was like this: 30 seconds to perform after the 3 second count down. And if the performance over passed 30 seconds,. it's an automatic Shame. The judges are the one who will decide if its shame or fame.There were 5 judges and each of them has a flag of red and green. If shame then its red, then the fame as green. Those that will get more than 3 red flags is also a shame. And the shamed group will have to drink the one that they have prepared. The host was looking at the small pad papers to choose which group to perform first. And the first performers were my group mates, Boy A, Boy J, and Girl S. They performed a Drama as well as they had practiced. But they got the shame flag, for their performance wasn't understandable. All of us in our block said that the fame line is high. All of us were filled with nervous as they called the groups one by one. But before they called the 5th performers they changed the block to pick. I got a little relief because my turn is a little after; but in the same time, frozen to death. Well after the 5th performer had started, I just said to my self that I will cross the bridge when I come to it. After the other blocks had performed, the next performer line came back to the first. And as they called my name, I almost froze to death.And as I got on the stage, I got totally blank. I didn't know what to do just standing like a stick, but as the music started my body moved by itself just as I practiced the whole week-end for the fame-or-shame. I was able to dance completely, but as the judge lift up the red flag, I felt a shame of myself.
A day after the fame-or-shame, me and my group mates were able to meet the judges that day, And as they asked why I got the shame flag, he just said because he knew that I was one of the group mate. Only for that reason, I got the shame flag. I once thought I would leave the group, but I thought it was best for me to stay in the group. Just for the reason: It is fun to be with them.
I saw your performance too! But it is not the shame thing that made us remember that day( I also performed) but the bond that formed in our block and within the community of APC, and I think that is the most important thing. It was indeed a memorable one!
ReplyDeleteI saw your performance too! But it is not the shame thing that made us remember that day( I also performed) but the bond that formed in our block and within the community of APC, and I think that is the most important thing. It was indeed a memorable one!
ReplyDelete(Commenting to 15 Random People and You are One of the 15. ^__^ )
ReplyDeleteI saw your performance on that day and don't feel bad if you got a shame because me and our block knows that you did your best and it takes a lot of guts to perform a solo in that very stage.
Haha don't feel so bad about yourself. You did your best and that's all that matters. It's not like everyday you'd get to perform solo on stage. Have you even watched our performance? Now that's a total shame. Anyway, it's the memories that matter.
ReplyDeleteI remember your performance and honestly saying, you're good at dancing :) You should try to join in apc dance company to enhance your talent! :) I'm proud of you :)